

THRIVE (Translational Health Research and Innovation for Vulnerable ChildrEn and Teens) Lab improves the physical and mental wellbeing of young people with neurodevelopmental and mental health diagnoses by making it easy – and fun – for them to move more, eat well and sleep better.

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At THRIVE, laboratory research is adapted into activities that both kids and their caregivers can feel good about, like videogames that require physical activity.

Founded in 2018, THRIVE’s team members include clinical and developmental psychologists, researchers with expertise in specific disabilities, individuals with mental health diagnoses and their caregivers, graduate and undergraduate students, and community practitioners. This diverse collaboration allows THRIVE to quickly translate research findings into real-world practice.

Recent News

Two of THRIVE’s Principal Investigators, Prof. April Bowling and clinical psychologist Dr. James Slavet, host a podcast: Healthy Enough: Building Wellness in Kids with Mental Health Challenges.